Warranty Disclaimer

Post Date: February 1st 2015

        Any claims of physical damage to the Smart Tint®, Smart Film® or the pre-attached electrical connections (AKA bus bars) must be made prior to installation only. No exceptions. All film must be tested prior to installation for any physical damage and complete functionality. You can use the power supply that is supplied with your order to test Smart Tint® before installation. At this time, if there are any issues with Smart Tint® Switchable Film® do not install. Ship the film in question back to the seller or if purchased manufacture direct ship to Smart Tint® Inc in its original packaging for inspection and a direct replacement. Please ensure that the shipping package you receive does not have any physical damage to it and has not been compromised prior to accepting delivery. It is recommended to receive a functional  sample of the technology and color requested for your order prior to approval of any custom manufacturing.Smart Tint® is a manufacturer only and does not warranty labor.It is recommended to use a Smart Tint® Authorized Installer to install your Smart Tint® Switchable Film® products.Please refer to: HowToInstallSmartTint.com for installation instructions. Pass: password

        High Res Photos and Video must be uploaded to our client upload portal located (https://smarttint.com/client-upload) . Upload media in the “Warranty Upload” section clicking the “Warranty Upload” button. Please contact your project manager with any questions or concerns. The 2 Year Standard Limited Warranty can not be honored without this media.


       Smart Tint® guarantees that you will receive a tested and inspected, complete ready to install system manufactured to your approved measurements and designated wire locations that you approved on the final shop drawings that we send you for your signed approval prior to final product completion and shipping. It will be fully operational with no defects upon package arrival. If any physical damage is reported upon package arrival or during mandatory pre-installation inspection within 7 days of package receipt, ship the film back to us in its original packaging so that we may address any reported issues. At this time, we will provide a one time replacement FREE OF CHARGE for the panel or panel(s) in question manufactured to the same exact shop drawings that were originally signed off on if it has been deemed that the material was never installed. Every piece of genuine Smart Tint will have a Serial Number on it for identification. Do not remove the Serial Number identification seal as the serial numbers are required to complete your Warranty Validation Form and must remain on the material to enforce any claims of warranty. By default, all orders qualify for our 2 Year Limited Standard Warranty, as long as the Warranty Validation Form is completed within 21 days of package ship date and/or within 72 hours of installation completion. Failure to complete the Warranty Validation Form and failure to follow our installation guidelines available at (www.HowToInstallSmartTint.com) will by default void all warranties. Smart Tint Inc is the manufacturer only and will only warranty material manufactured from Smart Tint Inc. Any claims of operational problems post installation must be addressed to the installer or installation company whom installed your project. Smart Tint Inc., does not warranty any labor, installation charges, shipping charges, electrical wiring or electrical connections to the film, and is not responsible for any 3rd party shipping delays. It is imperative that the Smart Tint® wiring be connected correctly in parallel with a dedicated electrical line to each piece of film be run to a central point of demarcation then connected directly to the output to the provided Smart Tint Power Controller. Please refer to our electrical diagram for a correct layout. Any incorrect wiring will impede the performance of the technology and can cause failure voiding all warranties both Premium & Standard Limited. By default, Smart Tint Inc ships all packages worldwide signature certified via UPS. A tracking number will be provided to the email address of the purchaser on file. Smart Tint can only be powered by Smart Tint provided power supplies for any claims of warranty.

Available for purchase at time of original order or available for upgrade within 1 Year of successful initial project completion only.

This prorated rate chart assumes all installation guidelines are followed and the Warranty Validation Form has been completed and submitted within the required timeline.
Prorated Replacement Rate Guideline Chart
Smart Tint® electrical connections not sealed properly.
Incorrect Wiring
Smart Tint® stuck on Private
Smart Tint® electrical damage due to improper trim. (Non-conductive trims only)
Delamination caused due to improper sealing and sealant
Smart Tint® stuck on Clear

       Smart Tint® is not to be cut in the field. Smart Tint can only be trimmed at the factory prior to shipping. Field trimming can only be preformed by a Smart Tint® Authorized Installer. Any other field trimming or cutting of the material will automatically void warranty.

All Smart Tint Sales and orders are custom and NON-Refundable. This applies to film, engineering time, and all provided electrical components.

Our Standard Limited (2) Year Warranty only applies to customers who used a verified Smart Tint® Authorized Installer to install and submitted the Warranty Validation Form within 48 hours of film installation or 21 days of package receipt. Failure to complete the Warranty Validation Form will void any claims of warranty.

Warranty Validation Form Available Here

We offer Extended Insurance on a per project basis. This insurance is called our Premium (5) Year Warranty. Please contact your project manager for more details. Unless otherwise provided in form of signed contract, the Standard Limited (2) Year Warranty applies to all transactions in the USA and worldwide.

All material must be inspected prior to installation as any claims of physical damage or de-laminations can not be made post or during installation. Payment and Terms of Conditions: All sales are CUSTOM and FINAL. Customer AGREES to all warranty terms and condition policies upon initial order payment confirmation.

Shipping: Smart Tint contracts UPS for all domestic and international orders. All orders are signature certified. Smart Tint is not responsible for any shipping delays by the 3rd party shipping carrier. Smart Tint will email the tracking number for the order by default unless otherwise requested.

Standard Warranty Disclaimer is as follows:

Warranty shall be void if installation contractor fails to use specified installation procedures (available at www.HowToInstallSmartTint.com) . Photos of the before / after must be provided to Smart Tint®. A 30 second minimum video clip of the project in both operating modes must also be provided. All project videos submitted to Smart Tint regardless of sender become the property of Smart Tint inc and can be used for any marketing or website product demonstration. Warranty can not be enforced until a warranty validation serial number is provided and the Warranty Validation Form is successfully completed in the specified time lines.

Here is a link to the Smart Tint® Warranty Validation Form:


Here is a link to upload warranty photos and video. Contact your Project Manger if you have questions.


Warranty does not cover :
• Failure due to improper installation
• Environmental conditions or use exceeding design standards
• Damages resulting from : vandalism, accidents, incorrect installation, inadequate maintenance, neglect, misuse, abuse, incorrect measurements provided by the customer.
• Power surges or any type of physical damage to the material or its electrical connections.

• Smart Tint does NOT install like traditional window film. For example: “Do NOT pop bubbles with a pin, as the film is electrified and this will result in an electric shock and permanently damage the film.”

• Smart Tint is not to be cut in the field. Smart Tint can only be trimmed at the factory prior to shipping. Field trimming can only be preformed by a Smart Tint® Authorized Installer. Any other field trimming will automatically void warranty.  

Do not store un-installed material in direct sunlight as the UV light may imprint on the release liner of the film and an impression of the film installation labeling that is on the finish side release liner of the technology. Do not store film in original shipping container for longer than 14 days as it is rolled around a tube and may curl the product. If storing for an extended amount of time lay the film flat on a clean table in a hermetically controlled environment {indoors only}. You may stack and cover all pieces with card board or a thick blanket as to protect against any UV exposure or physical damage. The finished side release liner must be removed within 7 days post installation on interior glass projects and with 48 hours of exterior window glass projects.

The customer is responsible for all shipping and handling charges with any claims of warranty.   –

If your package is damaged, crushed, punctured, or opened prior to your acceptance, DO NOT accept package.

Smart Tint is custom manufactured and all sales are final.

No Standard Limited (2) Year Warranty will be enforced and no exchanges will be made if the Smart Tint film has been cut, trimmed, altered, bent, kinked, dented, nicked, scratched, incised, gouged, gashed, scored, if the protective backing has been peeled off, or if the film has been installed already. However, this coverage is available with our paid Premium (5) Year Warranty.

All Videos and Photos of your project that are sent or uploaded to Smart Tint become the sole property of Smart Tint, inc. and can be allocated to any internet, web or social media platform at our discretion. An operating video of the finished product is required to honor any warranty disclaimer.

We do not guarantee the clarity or opacity levels and all material is sold as a custom application. Smart Tint® is a linear technology. For best optical performance, view looking straight on at the film. Depending on lighting conditions you may see a hue at an angle.

Warranty turn around time response is a minimum of 1 week from date of package receipt unless otherwise stated.

We make no claims to the appearance of clarity or opacity in the installed state due to the many environmental factors. For large projects that encompass multiple windows we recommend you install 1 piece first and wait 24-48 hours for product acclimation and evaluate in multiple lighting conditions and a static temperature of normal operating mode.

There can be no claim of any product defect after protective film has been removed from either side of product for the Standard Limited (2) Year Warranty.

Smart Tint® is not responsible for any damage occurring from not following our installation guidelines. Most importantly please cover the wire transition to the film with a non-conductive trim or the fore mentioned Smart Film Edge Sealant. DO NOT OPERATE your Smart Tint® installation until the approved Smart Film® Edge Sealant is 100% cured and dry. This process could take 4-24 hours post install.

It is assumed that these warranty conditions are accepted by form of initial order payment receipt.

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